According to rational argument each of us must love oneself.

"Love yourself...? "

Yes… Love yourself.
I hope you can forgive me, but honestly the first thing that springs to my
mind is a mental picture of a person who is both boastful and arrogant
whiles masturbating ...


Is this what it means – to have sex with oneself?

No, the real love of oneself is to have self respect, one that can look after themselves
so they can develop a common courtesy to all. 

No one likes being around someone who hates themselves –
right... so...
In order to love others we must first learn to love ourselves. 



We must maintain a Self-awareness that takes care of our emotional needs –
once we can take care of ourselves, we can take care of others
– in a way that allows us to accept the faults in our neighbours,
family and partners…
simply because we have already accepted the same faults
– in ourselves. 

The sooner we accept our own natural human vulnerabilities, the sooner we will be strong enough to show respect to other people – 
without anger or wanting to control these peoples behaviour. 

Self-awareness shows us how to accept Who we are –
it gives us the tool to accept where we are and where we are going in our life –

In turn you'll be free to love people for who they are and not for who you think they should be.

No more constant, disposable and mindless 'falling in love' –
now you have acquired a Self-awareness that lets you taste the pleasures of reality and truth, which allows love to 'fall into you'.

To love yourself is simply to have Self-awareness,
a patient, powerful and understanding spirit that turns anger into happiness. 

Everyone wants to be loved, so concentrate on loving rather than being loved, and you too will receive it –



But beyond this you will no longer love in order to be loved back,
because you have decided to be a person that maintains their self-awareness regardless, you love because thats who you are, 
and the person you have chosen to become.


2. Padre.
Now you enter the realm of
"Loving the Substance above all" – and everything else.

This is mental transmutation –
just like the metamorphosis process of a caterpillar, although the same genes, a very different type of animal once it has changed into a butterfly. Mental transmutation is not so much physical, you will not grow wings like an angel – but you will change to 'see' and 'fly' like one if you choose to.

We are not destined like caterpillars to become butterfly's – we as humans can become anything we want to be. 
And yet most people behave like butterfly's who are too afraid of flying!

By the decisions we have made our minds up on, we have chosen to either be 'happy' or 'miserable'.  And if your not brave enough to make up your mind there are plenty of people out there who will make it up for you for their own advantage.

We are the most changeable species in the planet and we must embrace it and choose to change for the better, for the good without any fear. 

That's the Spirit of self awareness.





BUT now I 'SEE' ∆ BIRD, ∆ND I FEEL the foundtions to billion glxies flying cross our universe"


Find happiness in knowledge, love wisdom and reason for its the most real of all pleasures  – know good, speak good and do good – be in constant pursuit of truth and you will live the pleasantest of life. 

From Earthworms to the Universe – from Earth to traversable Wormholes.
Love the substance for all that is and ever will be.
For infinite time, the all in all of our minds.






From Dee Angel,
a quick study on provably the most important quote ever told–
"Love your neighbour as you love yourself"


Club row, Shoreditch

Club row, Shoreditch
